Day 5

The day began with Ken letting us ask anything, but people was still asleep or something, because there where only a few questions. After that we saw a video on how education haven’t change much. There is always a teacher and a group of students, students show a better performance by having a teacher rather than a tv or radio speaking.

Here is a video about it:

Later that day Diego Zavala came to explain us how to make a video, but instead of showing us how to use a program for editing he show us that nowadays it’s more important to show people how to tell a story rather than how to edit it in a program.

He showed us some videos and told us that a video can be simply made by using pictures and narrating a story or having a short animation.

Later that day we had an online talk with  Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard about what we talk about in our blogs, and what consequences this can have on our digital identity. They mention in the beggining a lot about ciberbullying and that we should not react to it if we are victims, because if trolls see a reaction, they’ll continue, but if you dont do nothing they gain nothing, it becomes boring fast for them.

Here’s the full talk:

Friday Guest Speakers Video Link and Bios



Day 2

We went out to take some pictures that reflect ourselfs or our experience during iTec.IMG_20160927_084959.jpg

All the photos have some words we took from magazines and newspapers, like in this picture, you can even see what the other guy picture looks like.

Here are some other pictures I took:

Business as something you do everyday, no matter how small it is.


This balloons picture, kinda ironic since the day is rainy and evrything looks a bit grey, and next to it the cafeteria with a self explanatory text.



Evryone can make some mistakes.


After a break, the video link started, and we talk with Laura Gogia y Lee Skallerup.

Tuesday Guest Speaker Video Links and Bios

We talked about things that people post on the internet, and that we should put things that we consider important for our blogs. Lee also said that people can have the skill of connecting people, and she does it by following a lot of people and talking about a lot of things, so at some point people is gonna met again.
Later we talk to Amy Burvall and Alan Levine.
Alan talked about how a blog can funtion as a place where you put your thoughts and you can revisite it to remember what you where doing at a certain time.
Amy mention that it is important to tag your work properly to get the desired attention, so it does not get lost in the fog. Also it is not nescesary to aim at a certain public, because when it is out there it can be seen by anyone.
At the end of the video link they talked about catfishing and how it can affect people that fall fot it. It is important to pay attention to things and be able to identify this people, who is real and who is not.